Friday, February 27, 2009


I have collected several photos to illustrate each design principle for this assignment and must admit that it is difficult to choose which favorite photo to post.

Symmetrical Balance:

This is an example of Symmetrical Balance. If you draw an imaginary line through the center of the image, both sides are similar.

Asymmetrical Balance:

I used channel mixer for this photo. There is a balance of shadow and light. The fence seems larger on the right side but is balanced by the shadow on the left.

Scale Change:

This photo shows a size relationship in comparison of the mower operator to the water truck in the center (background). Size and distance of these objects show a visual hierarchy.


For lack of a decent background, I took the photo outside in the snow to show the blue color of the bottle and its size standing out in relation to the rest of the images. The blue bottle is the established weight over the smaller bottles.


The lemons are repeated in the image and contribute to merge and unify the composition.


This photo is a mosaic that I made a few years ago. It shows a repeated arrangement in the pattern that gives equal importance to each element.

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