Monday, March 2, 2009


I was not happy with my previous post, and thanks to John's feedback I knew what was wrong. The colors were not harmonizing. Looking at the assignment in the book and the triad color wheel, I overused the colors. Now I realize why I was frustrated while creating the patchwork compositions - they were confusing and not balanced. I went to work again on the patchwork collages using less colors. One other revision I made was balancing each photo size and frame. These revised collages should work.


For the summer collage I framed each photo in a warm yellow-orange, bringing out the highlighted areas in the poppy. The background color is changed to a lighter blue-purple color to bring out the highlights of the iris. I rearranged the photos, took out the post and brought in the daffodil.


My winter composition layout stays the same, other than balancing the size of each photo and frame. I unified the colors of each frame and gave the background a lighter blue color.

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