Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hierarchal Progression

For this project, I created a few compositions with an attempt to define visual hierarchy. I had at first considered using a photo for the background showing visual hierarchy that we learned earlier this semester. After I asked John about it, he said that he was looking for a statement in text that would not be distracted from other images. I wanted something light for the background, so I added one of my photos of blue sky and wispy clouds not to distract from the text, but to have a luminosity influence.

The book said to include a line element in the composition so I used the text for the line element. I have a collection of quotes that I browsed through and found my favorite: "Do not quench your inspiration or your imagination" by Vincent Van Gogh.

The program I used was InDesign. I then used Viner Hand font for the quote to stand out across the background. I found the quote communicating the simple message to us as designers to by no means give up.

Every project that I have created in this class has been a wonderful challenge. I have spent hours researching each topic along with days and nights creating the final composition having the best of time and learning, especially the midterm project. But, I must admit that this particular assignment was confusing and I found no inspiration. I was fresh out of ideas.

This composition I created in InDesign before I knew that the text should be the focal point. I thought I would post it anyway.

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