Thursday, April 23, 2009

Another Try At Hierarchal Progression

I reconsidered this project and designed a composition to define visual hierarchy. I used the word
“Wish” to make the focal point and statement in text with added quotes.

For this composition, I arranged the quotes horizontal with a light yellow background, giving color of the added quotes an aspect to unify the message.

This design was created easily by keeping the message word “Wish” horizontal while rotating the quotes 90 degrees. It looked a bit disoriented, but I found the results satisfying, staying within the message.

This composition is a plain white background that I would post to show the simplicity of the statement. The type font I used for each composition was Veranda Calligraphy which I felt flowed with the words of the statement.
I am a bit satisfied with the design I created this afternoon. Much better than my first post.

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